RIN Recorder International Niedersachsen
In collaboration with ERPS (European Recorder Players Society) e.V.,
the Hildesheim Music School, the Michaelis Church (UNESCO World Heritage), Andreanum Hildesheim (Telemann's School), Moeck Company,
the State Association of Lower Saxony Music Schools, and
the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, I realized the
RIN (Recorder International Niedersachsen) Festival in Hildesheim in 2012.
The festival featured an international competition, concerts, workshops,
and an exhibition of instruments, sheet music, and CDs.
A total of 160 young people and amateurs from Lower Saxony and all over Germany participated, performing works such as
"Häresie" by Urs Peter Schneider and a premiere by Gordon Williams.
The plan was for RIN to move through Lower Saxony's cities every two years. Wolfenbüttel was supposed to be the next venue in collaboration with the Herzog August Bibliothek, music school, Landesmusikakademie, and the main church Beate Mariae Virgine, with a focus on Praetorius and Dieupart, among other sources in the Herzog August Bibliothek.
However, this plan could not be realized for funding reasons.
Freitag, 24.2. Musikschule Hildesheim Konzertsaal
10-16 Uhr Finale
1. International Recorder Competition Niedersachsen
ab 18 Uhr Ausstellung Stephan Blezinger und Noten/CDs
20 Uhr Young Professionals Preisträgerkonzert
Sonnabend, 25.2. Andreanum, Telemannsaal
10-11 Uhr Probe Häresie • 11-13 Uhr Probe Tallis/Williamson
12 Uhr Führung für Häresiespieler (Telemannautograph)
15-18 Uhr Probe • 19 Uhr 30 Konzert
Surrounding Sound Systems
4o Profi-Blockflötisten aus ganz Europa
160 Jugendliche und Laien aus Niedersachsen und ganz Deutschland
Musikschule Hildesheim Konzertsaal
Ausstellung Margret Löbner
22 Uhr Late Night Concert
Latest News Quartett New Generation, Berlin
Late Night Jazz Wildes Holz, Köln
Sonntag, 26.2. Musikschule Hildesheim
Jazz Tobias Reisige• Die kleine Zauberflöte Ulrike Volkhardt
v.l.n.r.: Ulrike Volkhardt, Susi Fröhlich, Conrad Steinmann, Erik Bosgraaf, Michael Kobold
Euncho Yeom, Elisabeth Wirth, Teun Wisse
Christian Kowalski-Fulford, Ulrich Petter