In addition to regular concerts and performances, 

there are always ideas and opportunities for special and large projects.


•    In 2022, the Folkwang Recorders, along with alumni, bid farewell 

with a performance titled "Floating Sounds - Surrounding Sound Systems" 

at Zollverein and in the Market Church Hannover. 

For the church, I curated the installation "Floating Light" with objects 

by Ludger Hinse and developed an extensive accompanying program. 

At Zollverein, Vito Orazem, the director of the Design Center NRW, and I conceived a promenade concert on all levels of the turbine hall. 

Our music was thus each a part of a total work of art.

•    In Barth, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the restoration of the 

church library provided the framework for 

conferences (Barth Library Talks), concerts, and book publications.

•    RIN, Recorder International Niedersachsen, and the Folkwang Symposia, some in collaboration with the European Recorder Players Society (ERPS), founded by me, connected the European recorder scene.

•    For and about the Market Church Hannover, 

where I served on the church council, I published a book and unlocked its content through an outreach project 

for individuals of all ages via a conference and a discovery day.