In the archives of monasteries in the north of germany Ulrike Volkhardt discovered a lot of unknown medieval songs. With this repertoire she produced 6 CDs, worldwide reknown. Now a practical edition which makes it possible to perform this music has been edited. The catalogue already published as a book is now online as a Database, containing all Incipits found and the numerous pictures of musical instruments. These give precious hints on the performance pratice and have also been published and commented by Ulrike Volkhardt in Nonnen, Engel, Fabelwesen.The music found rounds up the image of rich cultural life in women convents and touches with its intensity alike the one of Hildegard von Bingen.
The research project and the recordings had a big resonance and led a.o. to the research of manuscripts in Kloster Ribnitz and to the salvage of the church library in Barth Kirchenbibliothek St. Marien, Barth (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), the eldest church library in Germany having survived at its original place, where other interesting manuscripts have been found and now edited.