
European Recorder Players Society e.V.
In 2002 Ulrike Volkhardt has founded the ERPS as an institutional network for european recorder players with a worldwide influence. Biannual festivals in Essen, Amsterdam, Wien and later in Bremen, Zürich and Strasbourg join players from all over europe. An internet platform is the base for exchange. From 2002-2006 Ulrike Volkhardt was the president of ERPS.

Förderverein Kirchenbibliothek St. Marien Barth e.V. 
In the context of the discovery of the medieval music in the monasteries in northern germany Ulrike Volkhardt got to know the historical Kirchenbibliothek in Barth (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), where the precious books were in danger because aof mildew. She founded a supporting associationFörderverein Kirchenbibliothek St. Marien Barth e.V. and organized the rescue of the library which will be reopened in Apri 2013. 

School projects
Leading kids to making music themselves is a concern of Ulrike Volkhardt. Therefore she works in schools with projects like Musik hautnah, Neue Musik in der Schule
(The sound of nature), Response erarbeitete and others.